Friday, August 14, 2009

Operational Attitude Determination

The Attitude Determination Board (ADB) and two peripheral sensor evaluation boards have been running smoothly and taking all manner of sensor data for two weeks. Attitude data comes from sensors on every face of the spacecraft as well as the board itself. Thanks to Sheryl Seagraves, Jason Anyalebechi, and Alex Sloboda for helping RAX achieve accurate knowledge of its pointing direction and rotational rates!

Friday, August 7, 2009

RAX Team at Orbital Sciences

Several members of the RAX team visited Orbital Sciences in Washington, DC recently to perform GPS testing with their GSS unit. Thanks to Dustin and Terrence for all of their help and Orbital Sciences for providing their support! RAX was able to completely characterize the prototype GPS units and understand various functions, check acquisition times and, most importantly, investigate failure modes of hardware, software and operations. We would not be able to complete our mission without the help Orbital Sciences gave us!